Document Detail
Office Order
विषय : सूचनाका अधिकार अधिनियम
को पदनामितकरना
Re: Designating Central PublicInformation Officer under the Right to Information Act, 2005
कार्यालयआदेश संदर्भःआईआरडीएआई
यह उनके सामान्यकार्यों के अतिरिक्तहोगा तथा यह तत्कालप्रभाव से प्रभावीहोगा।
In a partial modification of Office OrderRef: IRDAI/HR/ORD/PER/199/08/2017 dated 28-08-2017, Smt.Latha C., Deputy General Manager, is designated as a Central Public InformationOfficer for Re-insurance Department in IRDAI in terms of Section 5(1) of theRight to Information Act, 2005 to discharge functions assigned under the Act.
This will be in addition to her normalduties and will come into force with immediate effect.